Selasa, 20 Desember 2016
Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016
Recommendations for things to do in my town
Hello, welcome back to my blog. How is your day? I guess
very fine right?
Okay,in here I will to tell you about the recommendation
place in my town. I live in Sungai Pinyuh,Mempawah Regency in West Kalimantan.
At my place there are still many places that need to be recommended again.
Because in my town there is little place for recreation and culinary, although
in my city is the center of shopping from various neighborhoods.
I want to recommend a place for my town,is it a family
karaoke. Why would I choose a family karaoke?
This is the reason,
Because in my town very less space for recreation and
entertainment, although there is a karaoke place in my town, but I think less
of the number of people in my town.
Because the people in my town needs a place like karaoke
family recreation, To relieve stress and tired of the daily work and also brain
with family. And also so that people in the city I no longer look far for
recreation. they are willing to go to Pontianak only for recreation only. So
with the karaoke place this could make them more comfortable and help them to
mengrefreshingkan brains and their minds. I wish I was a lot of money, Of
course I will open karaoke this family in my town. I definitely would profit
and become wealthy.
Okay, thanks for your attention .see you next my blog.
last meal on this earth, what do I choose?
Hallo, welcome back to my blog.
How are you ? I hope
all of you have fine.
Ok, in here I will to share you if the last meal on this
earth, what do I choose?
okay, if have last
meal on this earth, which foods I choose, and I chose the fruit salad food,

why? It's the reason.
Why would I choose a fruit salad, because first of all I
really like all fruits such as pears, grapes, longan, papaya, zalacca palm,
watermelon and others. except the fruit which can be deadly wkwk, the second I
really like the sauce of mayonnaise, because it is hallmark, there are sour,
sweet, salty, and all of it together, and give a good taste on my tongue.
Moreover, if the fruit is mixed with mayonnaise and a bit of
ice cubes and milk and produces a fruit salad is very delicious. Not only fresh
and tasty, but it can also nourish our bodies, especially vitamins in the fruit
a lot of benefits, of course, lots of vitamins a, b, c, d, k, and is other, and
mayonnaise in salads, it can also help system our digestion. What about you
guys? Do the same with my tastes
Ok, it is my note blog, may be useful and can give you
inspiration today.
Thank you for your attention,
See you again in my blog later, byee
a letter to my younger self and 10 years later self
Hello, welcome back to my blog. How is your day? I guess
very fine right?
Ok, in here I will tell you a letter to my younger self and
10-years-later self
Ok, my message is now to me is the first, studying earnestly
in this course in order to graduation with timely, because my parents have
financed my college painstakingly, with sweat and his sincerity they financed
my college. Both still be myself like yesterday today and tomorrow, Remained
good natured and not overbearing and helpful as I live in this city and wander
away from their parents, so it must be good to bring myself so that I have a
lot of experience and a lot of friends, so that someday I can apply my
experience to the general public later.
Ok, then my mouth for 10 years to come, exactly my age
around 31 years, Hopefully I can be a person who could be useful to other
people, have got a job, Already has a partner and get married, especially
hopefully 10 years to come I can utilize my knowledge during my study at school
or university to society and the State. And of course I hope that I can boast
of my parents, and make them proud of me, and the results of their sweat during
my school treat and finance paid off with my achievements .aminn
ok, it was my hope and the message for now and 10 years to
Okay, thanks for your attention .see you next my blog.
Kamis, 15 Desember 2016
My favorite song when karaoke
Hallo, welcome back to my blog.
How are you ?
I hope all of you have fine.
Ok, now in here I want to share with you about
karaoke song of I choice and why I chose
it when I karaoke
Before that, I’m much loved to singing, although my
voice so bad when singing. And I like the song of Indonesia, such as cinta ini
membunuhku and rindu setengah mati by d’masiv song, and cinta dan rahasia by
yuka feat glen fedly song. And I like the song of foreign contry, such as my love, more than
words, and I lay my love on you by westlife band song.
Ok, but when I karaoke. The song of I chose to sing
is aku cinta kau dan dia by dewa19 song. Why I love it song? So here it is
The song was sung by the band famous of Dewa19 and
sung by Ahmad Dhani. Because the song was very well suited to my voice vocals,
and his lyrics are also very easy to memorize, and also the song's lyrics
really touched my heart.
So I really love to sing karaoke time, sometimes my
friends get tired of listening to it as we karaoke. But it was a problem for
me. That's my favorite song, which describes my vocal.
Ok, thank you for your attention
See you next my blog.
My Favorite Place When Traveled
Hello, welcome back to my blog. How is your day? I guess
very fine right?
Okay in here I will
tell my favorite place when traveled to.
Vacation is a time waiting for everyone, The trip is a human
activity to visit a place with a variety of purposes. for some people,
especially for those who are tired of working, student stress due to the
difficulty of getting the inspiration to write a thesis or because of the many
tasks that must be completed to travel is one alternative to relieve stress and
refresh the brain.Ok, my favorite place to vacation is on the beach,
Who has not been to the beach? The beach is one of the
favorite destinations of all people, of course, there has a very beautiful and
And I want to go to the pasir panjang beach in singkawang,
even though I've been on holiday there, but I want to go back on vacation
Pasir panjang beach is one of the beaches in the city
This beach holidays, make my mind to be calm and peaceful,
the burden of the mind becomes lost.
For me personally traveling is a very pleasant thing. Given
a choice I would choose the beach as a place of my favorite.
Not only because in
Sambas many beaches, but to go to the beach I could forget about the problems
that exist in my life. Although it was only for a moment, but it was fun. On
the beach is one of the places where I can see the beauty and enjoy what the
meaning of life. There also I can have fun with friends or family. somehow if
the shore I feel calm as if the world is mine.
Okay, thanks for your attention .see you next my blog.
Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016
Smartphone Apps that i love
Hello all, welcome
back to my blog. How is your day? I guess very fine right?
Ok in here I will tell my application on the phone that I like
Ok before that,in the modern era, this must all people have mobile
phones and various types, such as Samsung, apple, azus, oppo, Lenovo and atc.
And added more variety of applications, both social media
applications and gaming applications.
Social apps like facebook, twitter, instagram, line, WeChat,
whatapps, bbm, and others.
Games applications such as coc, pokemon go, duel otak, age
of kings, and others.
While the application is on my android is bbm, instagram,
line, whatapps, sing Smule, coc, al-Quran, facebook, twitter, messenger.
According to my application that I like is the bbm or
blackberry messenger.
why? This is the
Bbm is a social media application that can benefit for me.
Because in the bbm, we can comunication with either via chat, voice notes, free
calls, and video calls.
In bbm also we can send pictures, it was very easy for me to
In bbm I can communicate with my friend away, communicating
with my old friend, because my friends mostly use bbm applications as well.
So the bbm is very beneficial for me.
Ok thanks for your attention all of you. See you again to my
next blog.
bye bye
The movie describe my life
Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. How is your day? I
guess very fine right?
In Here I would tell you one movie that describe my life.
Before that, the film of the present era is growing rapidly.
Not only foreign films, films Indonesia also no less good.
No wonder many of Indonesian film enthusiasts at his watch.
As the raid, laskar pelangi, Ainun-habibie, ada apa dengan cinta 2,and atc.
No wonder the film also Indonesia to abroad.
I think one of the film that describe my life is a movie
Laskar Pelangi.
Why? This is the reason!
In the movie the camp of the rainbow in the background backs
life of children in the village which has a high spirit in the study, even the
economically underprivileged and knowledge.
But the spirit of seeking knowledge is very high, in order
to achieve their goals.
Likewise with my life, I am originally from the village, the
school far away in pontianak order to reach their goals.
Trials and obstacles I had to face, in order to reach a
And must be able to compete with other students in
But the blessing of parents is tremendous importance to me.
From the film Laskar Pelangi is the one who can describe my
life. And it can also inspire me. Life is very tough, but with unyielding
spirit it can be overcome.
Okay, thanks for your attention .see you next my blog.
Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016
Ok, how are you everyone?
Today im learn synonyms verbs and adverbs in my
Synonyms verbs like :
Obliterate = Destroyed , Severed = Cut , Conceive =
Create , Tolerate = Allow ,= Ingest = Consume ,
Pacify = Calm ( down ) , Calibrate = Adjust , Magnify
= Enlarge , Incentivize = Support , Speeculate = Theorize , Illustrate =
Examplify , Elucidate = Clarify , Impede = Interfere , Advocate = Motivate.
Synonyms adverbs like :
Methodically = Systematically , Begrudgingly =
Resentfully , Amicably = Quietly , Fiercely = Severely , Unintelligibly =
Unclearly , Sporadically = Occasionally , Unequivocally = Indisputably ,
zealously = Eagerly , Laboriously = Painfully , Earnestly = Decisively ,
Indisputably = Indisputably , Definitively = Absolutely , Faintly = Weakly ,
Discreetly = Privately.
Example of sentences :
I cut a bottle of mineral with a knife
I Unequivocally answered questions my teacher
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016
Two things that i have to bring everywhere i go
Hello, welcome back to my blog. How is your day? I guess
very fine right?
Okay, now I would like to share with you what kind of things
that I always bring to everywhere I go to. I mean 2 things that I can’t go
without it and I always bring it to everywhere and whenever.
Every stuffs of mine are important at all for example my
callphone, my wallet, motorcycle, books, laptop, and etc. but, if I have to
choose 2 things that I should bring I
would like to choose wallet and callphone, why choose that 2 kind of things ?
so here it is the reason.
The first thing is wallet, why wallet? Because I think
wallet is important couse inside of it there are so many things that important
too.we are not only talking about money, beside that inside of my wallet there
are my identity card, money card, student card, motorcycle card and etc. so can
you imagine if I don’t bring m wallet with me? It so worst I thinhk.
Second, cellphone, why i choose cellphone? Because when I’m
in the dangerous situation I got to call my family, my friend, and the people
to get some help. And inside of my phone so many things can help me when I’m
urgent. And I think callphone is my second strength.
Okay, thanks for your attention .see you next my blog.
Senin, 10 Oktober 2016
favorite selfie and why
Hello ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to my blog , how are you ? I hope all of you have
Ok, in here I wil tell you about one of my favorite selfi and
why choose that .
Ok , before that in this era technology more and more sophisticated. like that also handphone and it’s camera. So not surprised the people
likes selfi’s photo in your s handphone . all people just like adolescent , old
moreover children inciuded me like selfi’s photo.
I very like with my selfi’s photo, that is couse from this
photo loking my smile so capture in war , just like the smile that sincere from
the heart , and also photo background is forest or tree. That is making alive
my photo. Because I taking a picture have as a theme nature. So, the nature is very nice, it is
making me more amazing. And then I like with my cloth that I wear. I think very
suitable with this photo. I many still to collect my photo’s selfie, but this photo
I think enough to represent with the
another photo. So you can see my photo in my social median is instagram, it
name is khasandraegiaultama.
Ok thanks for your attention . see you next time, bye
Kamis, 29 September 2016
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sering berlansung
sekarang ( present ) dan lampau ( past ).
Rumus :
( + )
S + Be + Ving
( - ) S + Be + Not + ving
( ? )
Be + S + Ving
Ving = kata kerja ke 4
- )
~ ARE YOU EATING ? ( ? )
Ada juga tense tidak menggunakan kata kerja ke 4 ( Ving )
Rumus :
S + Be + AAN
Note :
AAN =>
A =
Adjective ( kata sifat )
A =
adverb ( kata keterangan )
N =
noun ( kata benda )
( Adjective )
( Adverb )
Noun )
Kejadian yang belum terjadi ,masih direncanakan, atau
kejadian di masa yang akan dating.
Rumus :
Bersifat ( + )
S + Will + V1
Bersifat ( - )
S + Will + Not + V1
~ I
Bersifat ( ? )
Will + S + V1
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan
hasilnya masih terasa ataupun terlihat.
Rumus :
( + )
S + Has / Have + V3
( - )
S + Has / Have + Not + V3
( ? )
Has / Have + S + V3
Has = She , He , It
Have= I , You, they , We
She ( drink ) coffee ( s. past )
They ( start ) the course ( pr. Perfect )
Ana and linda ( open ) the account ( past coun. )
The bank ( close ) at 5pm. ( s. present )
The dog ( run ) through the park ( s. past )
~ She drank coffee ( + )
~ She did not drink coffee ( - )
~ Did she drink coffee? ( ? )
~ They have started the course ( + )
~ They have not started the course ( - )
~ Have they started the course ? ( ? )
~ Ana and Linda were opening the account ( + )
~ They were not opening the account (
+ )
~ Were they opening the account ? ( ? )
~ The bank closes at 5pm ( + )
~ The bank does not close at 5pm ( - )
~ Does it close at 5pm ? ( ? )
~ The dog ran through the park ( + )
~ The dog did not run through the park ( -
~ Did the dog run through the park ? ( ? )
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