Hello, welcome back to my blog. How is your day? I guess
very fine right?
Okay, now I would like to share with you what kind of things
that I always bring to everywhere I go to. I mean 2 things that I can’t go
without it and I always bring it to everywhere and whenever.
Every stuffs of mine are important at all for example my
callphone, my wallet, motorcycle, books, laptop, and etc. but, if I have to
choose 2 things that I should bring I
would like to choose wallet and callphone, why choose that 2 kind of things ?
so here it is the reason.
The first thing is wallet, why wallet? Because I think
wallet is important couse inside of it there are so many things that important
too.we are not only talking about money, beside that inside of my wallet there
are my identity card, money card, student card, motorcycle card and etc. so can
you imagine if I don’t bring m wallet with me? It so worst I thinhk.
Second, cellphone, why i choose cellphone? Because when I’m
in the dangerous situation I got to call my family, my friend, and the people
to get some help. And inside of my phone so many things can help me when I’m
urgent. And I think callphone is my second strength.
Okay, thanks for your attention .see you next my blog.
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